Dear players,
A new offer will be added to the Item Shop on April 2nd, 00:00 UTC, lasting until April 5th, 23:59 UTC.
Scroll of Awakening Augmentation 5+2
Lucky Box Scroll of Awakening Augmentation
White Cherub Wings
Golden Cherub Wings
Dark Cherub Wings
Aqua Cherub Wings
Bloody Cherub Wings
Cherub Wings of Blossom
Scroll of Reduction B
Scroll of Reduction A
Scroll of acquisition (Low)
Scroll of acquisition (High)
Scroll of Unbinding 1+1
Luckybox Scroll of Unbinding
Prêt-à-Porter Boxes 3rd Edition (M)
Prêt-à-Porter Boxes 3rd Edition (F)
**Prêt-à-Porter Boxes 3rd Edition**

Flyff team