Trick or Treat!
Dear players, get ready for the spooky rewards!
The "2023 Halloween events" will be started from October 26th to November 23th!
Event 1 ! - 2023 Halloween Event!
Hunt level 15 or higher monsters to collect the quest items: " 2023 Garlic", "2023 Blessed Cross, and "2023 Holy Water" 20 each. To complete the quest given by Mysterious Robed Lady in Flaris. You must be level 15+ to take the quest. Upon completion of the quest, you shall be given "2023 Trick or Treat Box " x 1 which contains one of the following:
Here are the details of the items you can get through the event :
There is a special Easter Egg in the "2023 Pumpkin Pie" and "2023 Pumpkin Soup" ! Try eating those tasty Pumpkin foods to get something special!
Event 2 ! - 2023 Pumpkin Slayer Event !
Hunt the Special Halloween Event Monster : "Pumpkin King Pump-kin" to get Special rewards!
The "Pumpkin King Pump-kin" will drop the items below in random chances!
Please note that the drops will not drop 100% from the event monster.
Collect the Voucher and exchange them for the rewards from the Mysterious Robed Lady in Flaris.
Here are the rewards you can get through this event.
Happy Halloween!
Your Flyff Team!