Thank you very much for love for FlyFF!
It has been 20 years ever since FlyFF has started its service!
To commemorate the remarkable years we have had for years, we have prepared a special events for FlyFFers!
Event 1 : 20th Anniversary Exchange Event!
During the event, '20th Anniversary Mocomochi' will appear through Madrigal.
Kill those cute monsters and you will get '20th Anniversary Token (Red)' in 100 percent chance!
Also in a rare chance, you will be able to get the new item : 'FlyFF 20th Anniversary Box'.
In addition, killing monsters over lv 15 will drop '20th Anniversary Token (Blue)'
If you have collected Blue and Red tokens 20 each, you can exchange them for 'FlyFF 20th Anniversary Box' x 1 through the '20th Anniversary NPC (Quest)' in Flaris.
Also, you can exchange 10 Red tokens to 5 Blue tokens, and 10 Blue tokens to 5 Red tokens. If you lack other color tokens, you can use this exchange!
Here are the details of the new items you can get through this event :
Plus, you can get 2 New Honor titles too!
Event 2 : 20th Anniversary Weekend / Daily Quest!
During the event period,
You can accept a special weekend / daily quest via '20th Anniversary NPC (Quest)'!
Here are the details of Weekend quest :
Kill 50 '20th Anniversary Mocomochi' and you can get '20th Anniversary Talisman (7 Days)' for a reward!
Collect '20th Anniversary Token (Red / Blue)' 50 each and you can get '20th Anniversary Clockworks set (7 Days)' each parts with '20th Anniversary Permanent Costume Exchange Ticket (Enhanced)' x 4.
Please note that the 7 Day items are not upgradable, and the '20th Anniversary Permanent Costume Exchange Ticket (Enhanced)' is used for exchanging the (7 days) items into Permanent items.
Here are the details of daily quest :
Kill '20th Anniversary Mocomochi' x 10 and Collect '20th Anniversary Token (Red / Blue)' x 10 each for the reward item : 'Scroll of Talisman Protection' x 1 and 'Scroll of Awakening Augmentation' x 1
Please note that characters over Lv 60 can participate the Daily Quest.
Event 3 : 20th Anniversary Costume Exchange!
Clockworks Set Contains all the costume set excluding the cloak and the mask (monocle). Cloak and the Mask can be obtained through '20th anniversary permanent costume exchange ticket' exchange.
Event 4 : 20th Anniversary Talisman !
During the event period, you can get special '20th Anniversary Talisman'!
Lv 165 ~ Characters can participate via 'The Wilds (Transcendent)'.
'The Wilds (Transcendent)' Cooldown will be decreased from 240 minutes to 180 minutes during the event.
Here are the details of the event :
You can get '20th Anniversary Talisman Fragment' from all the monsters from 'The Wilds (Transcendent)',
Event 5 : More and More EXP, Penya and DROP!
Enjoy the more exciting FlyFF with these events!
Burning Weekdays / Weekend Events!
During the 20th Anniversary Event period, There will be EXP x 3 / DROP x 2 / Penya Drop x 4 through the weekdays!
Starting from August 27!
There will be EXP x 3.5 / DROP x 2.5 / Penya Drop x 5 through the weekends!
Starting from August 30!
Again, Thank you so much for the love you have gave us for 20 years.
This history would not have been possible without your passion and love for the FlyFF.
We will do our best to give you better experience.
Thank you.
FlyFF Team