Dear players,
Thank you for waiting for the V22 update.
Here is the full update notes for V22: Floating Castle Update!
1. Max. Level for the characters expanded
The Max. Level for the characters will be raised from the previous 170 to 190 and new gear sets for each classes will be added.
2. New Gear Sets
New Gear Sets for each classes will be added.
[New Gear Look]


[New Mask Gear Look]

[New Gear Stat Details]

[New Mask Stat Details]

The new gear sets can be equipped by characters above level 170 and you can obtain them on a low chance by defeating certain monsters in the newly added "Floating Castle B1" Dungeon.
※ All new gears are of a Baruna grade item.
3. New Dungeon: Floating Castle B1 added
[Look of the Floating Castle to enter the new dungeon]

[Look of the inside of the new dungeon Floating Castle B1]

A new dungeon "Floating Castle B1" is added. The new dungeon will have monsters level 168 to 188 appear in them.
The Floating Castle is located between Darkon 1,2 and Shaduwar.
You can also reach the location by using the item "Premium Teleport Map" and "Blinkwing of Floating Castle".
For the detailed location, please check the in-game map.
"Floating Castle B1" can be accessed by completing the scenario quest with the NPC "Reonan" in Flarine with a character above 156.
Once you complete the scenario quest, you can enter the dungeon freely by speaking with the NPC "Floating Castle Manager" in front of the Floating Castle.
The new dungeon "Floating Castle B1" is under a strong curse, and you will be in complete darkness and your damage to the monsters within will be decreased.
Also, if a character below level 170 enters the dungeon, the EXP that is obtained and item drop rate of that character is decreased.
The field of view limitation and EXP/Drop rate decrease can be lifted by using the item "Radiant Blessing".
[Field of view when the buff isn't used]

[Field of view when you have used the buff]

However, even if you use the "Radiant Blessing" buff, you won't be able to life all the curse that is casted upon the character and the damage you deal may be lowered than outside of the dungeon because the monsters in the dungeon are very powerful. Therefore, it is recommended that you gather party members and devide a tank, healer, DPS role because the difficulty was set with this in mind.
1 Hour version of "Radiant Blessing" can be obtained via a daily quest given by the NPC "Reonan" in Flarine once per day and you can also purchase it as a premium item in the Item Shop.
4. 18 type of New Monsters added
18 different type of monsters have been added with the Floating Castle B1 dungeon.
You can meet different type of monsters including spider type monsters and a powerful boss monster "Kalipogon of Darkness" that use a powerful AOE magic.
[Kalipogon of Darkness image]

[New Spider Monster]

5. New Ancient Rune and Piercing Cards added
A new grade of cards, 18% Cards and SR Grade cards will be added along with a new "Enhanced Ancient Rune" item that can add powerful stats to Baruna Weapons.
18% Cards are usable exclusively on Baruna Armors and SR grade cards can be used on Weapons other than Baruna grade.
Also, if you defeat monsters in the "Floating Castle B1" dungeon, there is a low chance of obtaining "Enhanced Ancient Rune Piece" and "Card Pieces" and you can collect a certain number of those items and exchange those with the items "Unconfirmed Ancient Rune" and "Unconfirmed Piercing Card" items at the NPC "Reonan" and "Floating Castle Manager".
If you use the exchanged items, you can obtain "Enhanced Ancient Runes" and a complete "SR/18% Card" Items or piece items for those items by chance.
[Number of pieces needed for Rune and Cards]
1) Enhanced Ancient Rune Piece x50 -> Unconfirmed Ancient Rune x1
2) Card Piece (SR, 18%) x50 -> Unconfirmed Card x1
3) Piece of Primordial Glasses x400 -> Class Glass Box x1
- Rune Pieces can only be exchanged with the Rune with the same name.
EX) Exchange 50 Enhanced Ancient Rune Piece (Sigel) - STR with 1 Unconfirmed Ancient Rune (Sigel) - STR
- Unconfirmed items and Glasses Box can be used to obtain the full item and have a certain chance to return the piece item of the same type. Therefore, if you are lucky, you can obtain more piece items than you have used in the exchange.
6. Scroll of Ancient Rune Reversal item added and sold
A new item "Scroll of Ancient Rune Reversal" that can be used to remove Rune applied to gears is added to the game.
In order to remove the Ancient Rune that has been applied to an item, you need a [Upgrade Spirit] for Baruna items, and from that NPC use the "Remove Baruna Piercing" menu to add the item in subject and 1 "Scroll of Ancient Rune Reversal" to remove the Rune with 100% success rate.
You will be able to obtain the item from events and the Item Shop.
We hope you look forward to the new update and we will do our best to prepare more contents in the future.
Flyff Team